Honghua Bohai 70091 team APF and SVG comprehensive
Honghua Bohai 70091 team APF and SVG comprehensive treatment of electric power engineering quality Honghua Bohai drilling 70091 drilling rig system by the 70D 500KW 1200KW3 top drive, mud pump station (2 by 1 by 975KW2 (2), the 1 for preparation), the use of variable frequency drive, it will produce a large number of harmonics into the power grid, brings serious pollution to the harmonic. The power supply is difficult to guarantee the quality of equipment of high reliability power needs, need toimprove the quality of power supply and promote energy saving, low voltage side of transformer in the low voltage power distribution room of the installed 2 300Aactive power filter for harmonic and 1 300KVAR SVG to compensation withoutwork.